Tax management services

Tax consulting for small and medium size businesses in Finland

Owner of the small and medium size business, ask for an advice in tax related matters: company transactions, profit distribution matters for the owner and company, generational change transactions and company divestments.

I provide services in English, Swedish and in my native language Finnish.

Tax advisory statements for law firms

Services for accounting firms

Tax consulting services

Tax consulting services for small and medium size businesses and their owners in Finland:

  • Tax planning and advisory regarding restructurings and ownership changes of firms

  • Tax advisory regarding corporate payout policy planning

  • Expert advisory regarding the legal issues related to employees of companies

  • Proactive tax planning and advisory for corporate and private clients

“Meillä oli selkeä näkemys yrityksemme tulevaisuudesta. Matti ymmärsi miten se kannattaa toteuttaa verotus huomioon ottaen järkevästi.”

– Perheyritys alkutuotannon toimialalla

“Matti auttoi haastavassa yritysjärjestelyn verokysymyksessä kun olin myymässä toimialamurroksessa olevaa perheyritystäni.”

– Kuljetusalan yrittäjä

Description of the services

Family-owned business owner, you may need tax advise!

Family-owned business owner, you may need tax advise!

Save money and have security and continuity in taxes. It is difficult and expensive to amend taxation afterwards. Proactive tax planning becomes much more affordable for your company and you as an entrepreneur and business owner!

Contact me and ask if I could be in assistance in your tax case. We can meet face-to-face or talk using remote meeting tools.

Sisufinanssi, Matti Kukkonen

Sisufinanssi Ky

My consulting company Sisufinanssi Ky started in 2009 and it provides tax management services for small and medium size companies and their owners for the entire life cycle of the company.

Matti Kukkonen works as a professor in Tax and Commercial Law in Hanken Scholl of Economics in Helsinki Finland and holds two PhDs, in Tax Law and in National Economics.

Sisufinanssi Ky provides accountable tax consulting services for entrepreneurs and small and medium size businesses. Services are provided in English, Swedish and in Finnish. Matti Kukkonen has a vast knowledge how companies and their owners are taxed in Finland. He has over 25 years of experience and an excellent reputation in this field.